Are you ready to be part of the discussion on crypto taxation? Register now to secure your spot for the metaverse conference.
Pricing: send an email to
What's Included? Click to view brochure
We are now taking registrations for governmental bodies and organizations interested in getting a digital booth on the Metaverse platform during the Crypto Tax Forum Conference.Booths are FREE for governmental bodies but PAID for private organizations.They are limited in number so we encourage you to secure a spot as soon as possible.
Send your details to if you would like to either obtain your Digital Booth on the Metaverse and/or request a free ticket (ONLY for Governments and academia).
To get a Ticket? Click the 'Buy Tickets' button below
We are working tirelessly to arrange this unique event. Leave your details below, if you would like to obtain a Digital Booth in the METAVERSE or become a speaker