Crypto Tax Reporting - Compilance for Private Users - Challenges Around Crypto Tax Tools
Werner Hoffmann
15:20 - 15:30
Technological Solutions to Combat Crypto-Related Crimes
Olalekan Ogunjobi
15:35 - 15:45
Tax and Accounting in the Philippines
Penuil Catingub
15:50 - 16:50
Panel 7: Future of blockchain
Jos Lazet
Olufemi Micheal Olarinde
Hanène Maupas
Diana Mile
16:50 - 17:00
17:05 - 17:15
Closing Remarks
Antonia Eilander LLM
17:15 - 19:00
Metaverse Networking
Key stakeholders from the CRYPTO INDUSTRY meet key stakeholders from the TAX WORLD.
We are working tirelessly to arrange this unique event. Leave your details below, if you would like to obtain a Digital Booth in the METAVERSE or become a speaker
Stephern Dryer
Aidan Raney
Stephen Drayer
Crypto Corporate & Tax Lawyer Booth
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@O2K Netherlands Booth
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Crypto Tax Forum Booth
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